How to enroll for Aadhaar card or apply Aadhaar card?
Before answering your question, the obvious thing is to know who can get Aadhaar?
Every individual in India can get Aadhar Card. Yes, you are hearing correctly. Any individual, who is a resident Indian or non resident Indian (NRI) can enroll or apply for Aadhaar irrespective of age and gender.
Now you will have a question: who is a resident Indian and non resident Indian.
Resident Indian means you have resided in India for a period amounting in all to one hundred eighty two days (182 days) or more in twelve months from current date.
Non resident Indian means you are an Indian passport holder who resided in India for less than one hundred eighty two days (182 days) in twelve months from current date.
Table of Contents
Features of Aadhaar
Aadhaar card is a random 12 digit unique Identifier issued by UIDAI to an Individual. Aadhaar ID contains our demographic information (like name, address, gender & date of birth), biometric information (fingerprint & eye iris) and photograph. These informations are used to identify an individual. The Aadhaar card is just a proof of identity and not proof of citizenship.
Uses of Aadhaar Card
Aadhaar provides a proof to identify an individual, that can be verified through Aadhaar authentication anytime and anywhere.
How to Enroll for Aadhaar
To obtain the Aadhaar, you just need to follow the steps given below to enroll you for Aadhaar.
Step 1: Locate Aadhaar Kendra by scanning the following QR code.
Step 2: Visit nearest Aadhaar Kendra.
Step 3: Fill the Aadhaar Enrolment/ Correction/ Update form. You can download the form by following QR code.
Step 4: You should provide Demographic and Biometric data to the operator.
Step 5: Now, Check and Confirm all spelling and other details on screen.
Step 6: Provide your original documents for Scanning.
Step 7: Collect your original documents and Aadhaar Enrolment slip.
Step 8: Click here to know the process of How to check Aadhaar Card application status.
Step 9: Once your Aadhaar is generated, you get an SMS alert from UIDAI.
Further Read: How to download e-Aadhaar?
Above process is valid for resident individuals who have all required documents. For List of valid supporting documents scan QR code.
Now, you may think that I don’t have valid documents so I can not apply for Aadhaar?
Enroll for Aadhar without Documents
Answer to your question is “NO”. Yes! You read it correctly, you can enrol for Aadhaar using any options from below.
Option 1: Head of Family (HoF) based Aadhaar enrolment.
Option 2: Introducer based Enrolment.
Now we will look in each options in details
Head of Family (HoF) based Aadhaar enrolment.
You can use this method if family members’ individual documents are not available. For enrollment of Aadhaar, following details are required.
- Name of Head of family.
- Proof of Relationship (PoR) with a family member and HoF.
- Aadhaar card of HoF.
- Biometric confirmation of Head of Family.
Introducer based Enrolment.
If the above option is not suitable to you, you can enroll using an Introducer based enrolment.
The Introducers are verified officials appointed by the registrar. These are
- Registrar’s own employee.
- Member of local administrative bodies
- Postman
- Elected local body members
- Heath workers
- Doctors
- Influencers
- Asha workers
- Representative of local NGOs
Following information captured for Introducer based enrolment.
- Introducer’s name
- Introducer’s Aadhaar card number
- One modality of biometric information of the introducer.