How to download Aadhar from UIDAI website?
Aadhaar Card is an essential document needed by all Indian nationalist. Keeping all documents in physical form and carrying them to every where is not possible. To solve this problem, you can keep a soft copy of this document in your smartphone.
To do this, follow steps given below.
Following how to do section explain “e-Aadhar card download with “Aadhaar Number”
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Aadhar Download using Aadhar Number?
Step 1: For Aadhaar download Visit to Unique Identification Authority of India’s (UIDAI’s) Aadhar card website
Step 2: Navigate to “My Aadhaar” menu.
Step 3: Go to :Download Aadhar section and click.
Step 5: Go to the “I have” section.
Step 6: Select “Aadhaar Number” from list.
Step 7: Enter your 12 digit UID Aadhar card number (XXXX XXXX XXXX) printed on your card.
Step 8: Optional – Select “I want a masked Aadhar?”
Step 9: Complete Captcha Verification
Step 10: Click on the “Send OTP” button.
Step 11: On next page enter 6 digit one time password received on your registered mobile number
Step 12: Take a quick survey and click on “Verify And Download”
Bingo!!! You get e-Aadhar downloaded on your PC.
How to download e-Adhar using Virtual ID (VID)
Step 1: Visit UIDAI’s official website
Step 2: Look for “My Aadhaar”
Step 3: Click on Download Aadhaar.
Step 4: You will land on UIDAI’s e-Aadhar website.
Step 5: Look for the “I have” section.
Step 6: Select “Virtual ID (VID)” from list.
Step 7: Enter your 16 digit VID number.
Step 8: Complete Captcha Verification.
Step 9: Click on the “Send OTP” button.
Step 10: Enter six digit OTP received on by you
Step 11: Complete survey and click on “Verify And Download”
Your electronic copy (e-Aadhar) of Aadhaar will be downloaded on your laptop.
You do not have an Aadhaar Number or Enrollment ID (EID) or Virtual ID (VID). You can still download e-Aadhaar. To get your Aadhaar soft copy follow the steps below.
Following steps explain how aadhar card download by name and date of birth?
Step 1: Visit UIDAI site and go to My Aadhaar section.
Step 2: From dropdown menu, select “Retrieve Lost or Forgotten EID/UID”
Step 3: You will redirect to
Step 4: In “Select Option” click on Aadhaar Number (UID)
Step 5: Enter your Full Name and either registered Email ID or Mobile number.
Step 6: Input “Captcha Verification” text and click on “Send OTP”.
Step 7: You get one time password on your mobile.
Step 8: Enter 6 digit OTP and Click on “Login”
Step 9: You receive your Aadhar Number or UDI on your registered mobile number.
Step 10: Once you receive UDI, visit to
Step 11: Select “Aadhaar Number” from “I have” section.
Step 12: Enter UDI and Captcha Verification text.
Step 13: Click on “Send OTP” and verify it.
Step 14: Click on “Verify And Download”
You received your e-Aadhar PDF copy in your download section.
Click here to check new Aadhaar card application or Aadhar correction status.